birthday book project
생일 팬북
Dear Taemin

View previous projects here:
Questions? Suggestions? Our inbox is open!
birthday book project
생일 팬북
Dear Taemin

No offensive content of any kind. We reserve the right to not include entries deemed inappropriate for the project.
One entry per person.
Messages in English and/or Korean only please!
Usage of AI generated content is not allowed.
Please don't repeat content used in last year's project! Let's make this one entirely new and unique.
Only submissions entered before the deadline are guaranteed to be included in the book.
birthday book project
생일 팬북
Dear Taemin

Submission types
Choose one or multiple:
Text: letters, poems, short messages etc. Maximum length 500 words.
Images: Fanart, your selfie, a photo of a cake you made, embroidery, flowers etc. Has to be something you either made or photographed yourself. Maximum of 3 images per entry.
Video and/or audio: Song covers, voice messages, edits, TikToks etc. It will be embedded as a clickable hyperlink in the PDF. Upload it on a video/audio sharing site of your choosing (YT, SoundCloud etc.) and include a link in the form. One per entry.